If your order is Special Delivery, there are a few different ways you can receive your tickets. Sellers will select these methods when they are unable to deliver tickets via email, electronic transfer, or by shipping them before the event. We are unable to request a particular delivery method for your tickets since the exact delivery details are based on what format the tickets originally came in.

Types of special delivery:

  • Local Pickup
    • You will pick up your tickets at or near the venue on the day of the event.  
  • Will Call
    • You will pick up your tickets at the venue's box office or Will Call window.
  • Paperless Delivery
    • You will use the card used to purchase them on the primary market to enter your event.  
  • On-Site Services
    • This delivery method is used for high profile events, and you will pickup your tickets on or near the venue premises.  The tickets will be distributed by a team that is sent to the city of the event, rather than with the sellers.

On the day of your event, you will receive instructions on how to pickup your tickets, which will include the time you can pickup your tickets and the seller's emergency contact information. Don't worry if you don't receive that information right away, as the seller will usually finalize these plans the week of the event. If there are any updates or changes to the original delivery method, we will contact you with any additional information we receive.